Media Release

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Unfair steel imports continue to negatively impact Canadian steel producers.

Following the announcement that EVRAZ North America is expecting to layoff Canadian employees as a result of unfairly traded imports saturating the Canadian market, Catherine Cobden, President & CEO of the Canadian Steel Producers Association (CSPA) released the following statement:

“The news of layoffs at EVRAZ North America’s facility in Regina, Saskatchewan is deeply concerning for the community, its employees and the Canadian steel industry as a whole.

“Foreign imports continue to enter into the Canadian market at an alarming rate. Currently 41% of steel used in Canada is coming from carbon intensive offshore producers.

“Today’s unfortunate announcement of layoffs reminds us that when Canadian producers are not able to meaningfully participate in our domestic market there are real world consequences.

“Going forward, the Government of Canada must continue to enhance our trade remedy system and ensure timely enforcement and use of trade tools — such as normal values and retroactive duties — to stop unfair trade practices that hurt the domestic industry, its employees and communities.”

À propos de l’association canadienne des producteurs d’acier

L’Association canadienne des producteurs d’acier est le porte-parole national de l’acier primaire et du secteur des tuyaux et des produits tubulaires du Canada. Elle s’emploie à garantir un environnement commercial compétitif et durable à ses membres et aux parties prenantes de la chaîne d’approvisionnement. Les producteurs d’acier canadiens font partie intégrante de l’économie canadienne et sont un fournisseur vital pour de nombreux segments de l’industrie nord-américaine, notamment les secteurs de l’automobile, de l’énergie, de la construction et des transports.
