Media Release

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The United States today announced serious actions against China taking direct aim at Chinese steel overcapacity in the name of economic security and protecting the American steel sector and supply chains.

"As our trading partners reinforce their trade remedy system with additional measures coupled with new tariffs and stronger laws, it is imperative that Canada keep pace and put in place new tools to defend against the rise in unfairly traded steel imports from China and elsewhere," said President and CEO of the Canadian Steel Producers Association, Catherine Cobden.

"In Canada, we continue to face unprecedented levels of steel imports in our marketplace with offshore imports doubling over the last 10 years. While we are the largest user of Canada's trade remedy system, imports continue to flood our country despite existing anti-dumping measures, putting Canadian jobs and investment at risk."

Canada currently has 52 steel-related trade measures on Indo-Pacific countries, with 18 specifically levied against China and more to follow. Despite these measures, China is still the third largest importer of steel into our domestic market with over 660,000 tonnes last year alone.

"To address this, CSPA urges the Government of Canada to immediately consider a comparable tariff approach and evolve our trade tools – such as retroactive assessments on unfairly traded imports, the use of alternative trade remedy tools such as the Particular Market Situation methodology and adopting enhanced anti-circumvention protections- to further align with the United States."

À propos de l’association canadienne des producteurs d’acier

L’Association canadienne des producteurs d’acier est le porte-parole national de l’acier primaire et du secteur des tuyaux et des produits tubulaires du Canada. Elle s’emploie à garantir un environnement commercial compétitif et durable à ses membres et aux parties prenantes de la chaîne d’approvisionnement. Les producteurs d’acier canadiens font partie intégrante de l’économie canadienne et sont un fournisseur vital pour de nombreux segments de l’industrie nord-américaine, notamment les secteurs de l’automobile, de l’énergie, de la construction et des transports.
