Media Release

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January 21, 2025, Ottawa, ON – Today, Catherine Cobden, President and CEO of the Canadian Steel Producers Association (CSPA), released the following statement after the inaugural address of the new US President and the announcement of the first actions of the President.

“The Canadian Steel Producers Association acknowledges the challenges laid out in President Trump’s address and shares in some of the key priorities outlined in the US trade policy statement.

“In fact, many of the challenges laid out by the President are not dissimilar to the challenges facing our industry and our workers and communities here in Canada. The Canadian steel sector has been advocating that we are more likely to be successful in combating an aggressive trade adversary in China with a united North American approach.

“Exposure to global overcapacity due to unfair trade practices from China and other bad actors will not respect any border. In light of the US and Canadian steel industries being so highly integrated - $20B of annual bilateral trade – we know that the overcapacity challenges simultaneously jeopardize us all including both American and Canadian steel workers and their families.

“In recent months, Canada has worked to better align its trade policies with the United States, including the implementation of 25% tariffs on Chinese steel, in full alignment with the US Section 301 steel tariffs.

“This alignment must continue to be the priority for both governments, and we are seeking the support of the Government of Canada to take further steps to align. Whether it is through the use of trade remedy tools, monitoring, or Country of Melt reporting, we must ensure there is no daylight between us within the North American market.

“A review of CUSMA, as expressed by the United States will be an important moment to harmonize our trade relationship, one that is more productive united than divided by trade barriers and tariffs.

“It would be our strong hope that working together to meet these real-life challenges will strengthen our mutual resiliency, ensure secure supply chains between our nations and avoid trade actions between allies that are each other’s largest trading partner.”

À propos de l’association canadienne des producteurs d’acier

L’Association canadienne des producteurs d’acier est le porte-parole national de l’acier primaire et du secteur des tuyaux et des produits tubulaires du Canada. Elle s’emploie à garantir un environnement commercial compétitif et durable à ses membres et aux parties prenantes de la chaîne d’approvisionnement. Les producteurs d’acier canadiens font partie intégrante de l’économie canadienne et sont un fournisseur vital pour de nombreux segments de l’industrie nord-américaine, notamment les secteurs de l’automobile, de l’énergie, de la construction et des transports.
